Words That Bind by @ashkrafton – Interview and #Giveaway @GoddessFish


Hi Ash. Welcome to All I Want and More. We’re glad to have you here.

Thanks! I’m really excited.

Tell us a little bit about yourself?

I’m a speculative fiction writer, meaning I write a little of everything, from fantasy to mild horror. My novels are generally urban fantasy or paranormal romance, but I also write poetry and short stories across this vast and wonderful spectrum.

In this book, who was your favorite character to write and why? MEDIA KIT WordsThatBind_w9084_750

My favorite to write was Burns. He gets away with everything, and I loved seeing how far he’d actually go.

What 3 words would you use to describe your main characters?

Tam: trustworthy, reserved, longing.

Burns: fiery, passionate, surprising.

How do you go about picking character names? Do you have to get them just right and make sure they fit with the characters personality?

Burns is a fire elemental, and his chosen alias is his own private joke. Tam Kerish started as a name, before I had any idea what she looked like, what she sounded like, who she’d actually be.

We’re cover hussies. What was your first impression of this cover?

Hot! Actually, I was fortunate to have a lot of input into the cover art and it came out so perfectly close to what I envisioned.

What does writing mean to you?

It’s a release, an escape, a way to get my badness out.

What do you hope readers take away after reading one of your books?

Even though I write about paranormal creatures and impossible beings, I want to write them with enough realism so that each reader is left wondering…was that really made-up? What if…? And that is the very spirit of speculative fiction. If I can make someone believe these stories, for one moment, actually could be true…then I’ll have succeeded.

If you had a technology free day, what would you do?

Cry. And when I was done, I’d dig out my old Hellblazer comics so I can catch up on John Constantine. I LOVE the new series!

What are you currently working on?

A Victorian paranormal called The Heartbeat Thief. A little Jane Austen, a little Edgar Allen Poe, and a whole lot of evading death. And corsets. There shall be plenty of corsets.

Quickie Time

Sexiest feature on a man? His voice.

Boxers, Briefs or Commando? Briefs.

What is on your night stand/dresser? Alarm clock, ceramic dish, Chapstick, and photographs.

Hairy chests or smooth? Depends whose chest!

Cowboy or businessman? Business. Armani is nice.

Tattoos or piercings? Tattoos, but discreet ones.

Secret talent? I can whistle through my thumbs.

What’s your guilty pleasure? Sour cream and Cheddar Ruffle chips and BBC America.

Celebrity crush? Alan Alda. DON’T JUDGE.

Night owl or early bird? Night owl.

Twitter or Facebook? Twitter!

Pinterest or Instagram? Instagram.

ebooks or paperbacks? Both…naturally.

Is there anything else you like to add?

I had a lot of fun and I’m glad you had me in for a chat. I hope you’ll get a chance to read Words That Bind—and I’d love to hear from you!

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blurbSocial worker Tam Kerish can’t keep her cool professionalism when steamy client Mr. Burns kindles a desire for more than a client-therapist relationship—so she drops him. However, they discover she’s the talisman to which Burns, an immortal djinn, has been bound since the days of King Solomon…and that makes it difficult.

Ethical guidelines are unequivocal when it comes to personal relationships with clients. However, the djinn has a thawing effect on the usually non-emotive Tam, who begins to feel true emotion whenever he is near. Tam has to make a difficult choice: to stay on the outside, forever looking in…or to turn her back on her entire world, just for the chance to finally experience what it means to fall in love.


excerpt“So. You’ve destroyed a stereotype for me. A genie who lives in a library. Different.”

“When in Rome, no?” He stirred his cup before setting down the spoon with a light clink against the saucer. “Or, I suppose it is more accurate to say when in human form. When I am Burns, I prefer here.”

“Human form.” It didn’t sound right. Who said things like that, and meant it? “Can you change into anything you want? Any shape at all?”

He stretched out his legs and cocked his head, sliding his gaze up and away. “I suppose I could. I’m getting old and set in my ways. There’s this…” He swept his hands down the line of his body.

Her eyes were unable to keep from following, not even when he lingered over his midsection. Even lounging, his shirt was tightly tucked into his beltline. No belly fat there.

He tilted his head and gave her an upper-teeth smile, nibbling gently at his lower lip. “And apparently this form is pleasing to the eye, so I wear it often. But there are others. Tiger, a favorite. Savage and regal and the colors of flames in the night. Fearsome to behold, but very useful when dealing with physical conditions in which a human form may be outmatched. Plus, I can lash my tail.”

His voice took a teasing, conspirator’s tone. “I love my tail. You’d love it too, if you saw it.”

She trained her eyes firmly upon his. No way would she give him the pleasure of checking out his tail.


bioAsh Krafton is a speculative fiction author from northeastern Pennsylvania. Krafton’s first novel, Bleeding Hearts was MEDIA KIT Author Photo retro smallerpublished in 2012 as part of an urban fantasy trilogy The Books of the Demimonde (Pink Narcissus Press). An urban fantasy novella, Strangers at the Hell Gate, was published by Wild Rose Press in 2013. Her newest release, Words That Bind, won first place in the HeRA RWA “Show Me the Spark” 2013 competition as well as a Zebulon award in 2014.

Krafton also writes New Adult speculative fiction novels under the pen name AJ Krafton. Upcoming titles include The Heartbeat Thief, Face of the Enemy, and the award-winning Takin’ It Back. She is part of a YA/NA collective known as the Infinite Ink Authors.

In addition to novel-length fiction, Krafton enjoys writing poetry and short prose, some of which earned distinctions in various writing competitions. One of her poems was also nominated for the Pushcart Prize. She’s a proud member of Pennwriters, Romance Writers of America, and Pikes Peak Writers. Krafton also writes for the Query Tracker Blog and the Prose and Cons blog.

She resides with her family in northeast Pennsylvania.


Facebook: http://facebook.com/ashkraftonauthor

Blog: http://ash-krafton.blogspot.com

Twitter: http://twitter.com/ashkrafton

Goodreads: http://goodreads.com/Ash_Krafton

Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/demimondeash





Ash will be awarding a $25 gift card to Amazon or BN as well as a unique handmade book-inspired keychain to a randomly drawn commenter

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  1. Thanks for hosting!


  2. Thanks for having me! You had a lot of fun questions…


  3. i still have no read anything by jane austen yet ( a shame i know) i do plan to remedy that and it should not be a forbidden wish with so many title… i just wonder if i should read it in english or in my native langage ( and start with which one)

    you really envisionned a great cover so i’m glad you had you word to say so we could obtain such a wonderful result!


  4. Rita Wray

     /  November 17, 2014

    Great interview, I enjoyed it.


  5. Thank you! And Miki I hope you find a good translation…try Pride and Prejudice first. Everyone should nee Mr. Darcy!


  6. JanD

     /  November 24, 2014

    Enjoyed the interview specially the Quickie portion.


  7. bn100

     /  November 26, 2014

    Forbidden wish interview



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