Interview and #Giveaway: Qwillia Rain-Diablo Blanco Club Series



MEDIA KIT UnfairAdvantage_ibookDiablo Blanco Club: Unfair Advantage

Publisher: Downtime Press

ISBN: 978-1-939171-00-9

Genre: BDSM Erotic Contemporary

Length: Novel

Cover Artist: Lindsay Breen

Price: $4.99

Eight years of waiting hadn’t effected Dominant Bryce Halsey the way the last seven days had tested his control. Matie Lawrence, his perfect submissive, stood before him unaware of her potential, ready to be tutored in the lifestyle.

Battles will be won and lost between them, but the war for a Dominant’s heart is a war Mattie is determined to win.

Publisher’s Note: This book contains explicit sexual content, graphic language, and situations that some readers may find objectionable: Anal sex, bondage, domination/submission, toy play.



Diablo Blanco Club: Under Control

Publisher: Downtime Press

ISBN: 978-1-939171-01-6

Genre: BDSM LGBT Erotic Contemporary

Length: Novella

Cover Artist: Q. Williams

Price: $3.99

 Vance was used to facing death and confronting terrorists in war, but when it comes to confessing his act of betrayal to the man he loves, Vance finds it impossible to keep his feelings Under Control.

Publisher’s Note: This book contains explicit sexual content, graphic language, and situations that some readers may find objectionable: Anal sex, bondage, domination/submission, toy play.


MEDIA KIT RoFC_ibookDiablo Blanco Club: Rite of
First Claim

Publisher: Downtime Press

ISBN: 978-1-939171-02-3

Genre: BDSM Erotic Contemporary

Length: Novel

Cover Artist: Q. Williams

Price: $5.99

What’s a Dom to do when the submissive he wants runs from the feelings between them?

From the moment he met Lyssa Lawrence, Mike Halsey knew what he felt was love — not lust. Convincing her has been an uphill battle even after the two steamy hours they’d shared at the Diablo Blanco Club four years earlier.

Lyssa Lawrence wished the man who claimed to love her wasn’t so damned appealing. Eight years of denying the pull of her submissive nature almost went up in smoke four years ago, but she’d gathered the nerve to tell him ‘no’ when he asked for more. She’d have stayed away for good if her biological clock hadn’t hiccuped, threatening her dreams of motherhood.

In the same way she’d strategized her success in fashion design, Lyssa worked out a plan to get the baby she wanted. The Diablo Blanco Club’s annual Midnight Masquerade would provide a number of potential donors to choose from. What she hadn’t bargained on was Mike’s interference through an arcane Club rule.

When Mike invoked Rite of First Claim, Lyssa finally became his. Now, he has one month to prove that the role of his submissive was one she was born to play.

Publisher’s Note: This book contains explicit sexual content, graphic language, and situations that some readers may find objectionable: BDSM theme and elements.


Diablo Blanco Club: Santa’s ElfMEDIA KIT SantasElf_gray

Publisher: Downtime Press

ISBN: 978-1-939171-04-7

Genre: BDSM Erotic Contemporary

Length: Novel

Cover Artist: Lindsay Breen

Price: $4.99

 After four years of unrequited love, and steamy fantasies, Elfina “Elf” Jeffries has just about given up on gaining her boss’s attention. How was any self-respecting woman supposed to seduce a man who was oblivious to her cues? Then the first gift arrived…

Every Santa needs an Elf, and Dayton Kringle is no exception. His offer for a temporary affair, just long enough to get from Christmas Eve to New Year’s, will satisfy a four-year craving.
His is a simple design:

One beautiful Elf

Twelve sexy gifts

A little spanking

Some light bondage

And ten days of no-strings sex make one very satisfied Santa. But when the ten days are up, will he be able to give up the Elf of his wildest Dominant dreams?

Publisher’s Note: This book contains explicit sexual content, graphic language, and situations that some readers may find objectionable: Anal sex, bondage, domination/submission, toy play.



If he had to watch Elfina Jeffries’s sweet little heart shaped ass sashay past him one more day, Dayton Kringle knew he’d explode. He fingered the gold and silver necklace in his pocket, determined to remain in control until his administrative assistant reached her car and slid behind the wheel. Despite his silent order to himself not to, he couldn’t keep his gaze from dropping to the sexy legs exposed by the above the knee length skirt of her green elf costume. The fact that she’d exchanged three inch black stilettos for the black slippers after they’d returned to the office only made the view that much more appealing.

As she leaned out to grab the door, Dayton gritted his teeth to stifle a groan when he spotted the wide border of green lace and the silky suspender from a garter belt against the creamy thigh revealed by the hiked up hem of her white trimmed skirt.

“The homeless shelter Monday night?” Elfina asked as she tugged the door closed.

“Yes. We’re due there by half past six.” He frowned at the unlocked doors and rolled down driver’s side window. “Keep your doors locked, Elf.”

She shook her head and laughed before starting the sedan. “Eldon and Raymond keep an eye on the garage.”

Dayton’s fingers tightened on the necklace in his pocket. “Better to be safe—”

“—than sorry. I know. I’ll try to remember tomorrow.”

She waved and pulled out of the garage.



Tell us a little about your book?

Santa’s Elf was my “what if” story—What if Santa Claus wasn’t such a jolly fellow and was interested in a specific Elf. It was originally published by Loose Id in 2007 and was the first book to introduce my Diablo Blanco Club. It tells the story of Dayton Kringle, a toy maker who is obsessed with his administrative assistant, Elfina “Elf” Jeffries. Determined to get rid of his yen for her, he makes her a proposition that they become lovers over the Christmas holidays—from Christmas Eve through New Year’s Day.

Just as determined to prove to Dayton that what they feel for each other is more than lust, Elf agrees and quickly learns that Dayton expects more than simple sex. Her boss is a dominant and member of the Diablo Blanco Club, and he wants Elf as his submissive. More unnerving for her is how comfortable she feels submitting to the Sexy Santa of San Diablo.

With time running out, Elf isn’t sure Dayton will see how well-suited they are for each other, or if he’ll let his past continue to control him, limiting his future happiness.


How much emotion does it take from you to write?

Depends on the stage I’m in. If it’s the rough draft, I get a lot of surface emotions—lower level kinesthetic (anger, fear, passion, confusion, etc.) Those emotions can create a lot of chaos for me and throw me off on occasion, particularly if I’m not paying attention or respecting my writing process. During the editing stage, when I’m dealing with deepening the POV and delving into the whys of the behaviors it can be very draining, especially if the character is reluctant to give up the reasons for their actions. Over all, it takes a lot of emotion for me to write, but it’s always very worth it when I see the story come together.


What is your favorite part of the book?

There are a few parts of Santa’s Elf that I really enjoyed, scenes that challenged Dayton’s idea of what he wanted in his life. I think my favorite one, though, is when Dayton tries to find Elf by going to her mother. What Eleanor promises him if he hurts her daughter makes me chuckle every time.


You can only pick 3 words to describe your main characters…what would they be?

Obstinate, determined, intense


Which was the easiest character to write and the hardest ~ and why?

Easiest: Chelsea Nolan (a character in a series of short erotica stories not associated with the Diablo Blanco Club), because the woman was very in touch with who she was and what she wanted. She made no bones about what she felt—it was only when she ran up against the challenge Travis Dale represented that she really opened up to her potential.

Hardest: Rick Bennett—so far—I’m sure there will be others, but Rick has been a royal pain, probably because I had never intended to write his story…he was just…there. But when he showed up in the revised version of Santa’s Elf, I knew he had secrets I was very curious about. Getting him to spill is like trying to crack an unbreakable safe. But he’s warming up to me. Slowly.


How many books are you shooting for in this series?

As far as I know, right now, there will be eight novels in the series and possibly one novella, but that could change depending on who shows up and starts to chat. There are other connected stories, but they belong to different series.


What are you currently working on?

At the time I wrote this interview, I was working on the rough drafts for the second book in my Poker Posse series and the fifth novel in the Diablo Blanco Club series, Rogue Master. With luck I’ll have finished both by September and moved on to the third book in the Poker Posse and book six in the Diablo Blanco Club world.


Do you have anything due to release soon?

Not at the time of this interview, but I’m hoping Rogue Master will be out in October and the second Poker Posse will be with my editor at Loose Id.


What’s one thing that you enjoy about writing?

It’s a toss-up between experiencing the characters’ journeys—good or bad, and learning about the craft of writing. I’m a life-long student; I love learning new things, no matter where it takes me.


Since we’re cover hussies….what was your first impression of your cover?

I really liked it. The artist caught Dayton’s attitude and she touched up the image to better reflect his prematurely gray hair.


What do you prefer ebooks or paperbacks?

Both. I enjoy the convenience of ebooks, but on occasion I like the feel of a book in my hands.


Is there a genre you would like to write but are a little apprehensive to try?

Young Adult—mainly because I was a frighteningly mature teenager and when I hear the characters in my head they’re equally grown up…I don’t talk down to kids, or at least I try not to. I think too many people underestimate the maturity of kids these days. There’s also the fact that I’d have difficulty communicating the emotional connections being forged without using physical touch, that’s a daunting prospect—but I do love a challenge. In fact, I’ve been thinking (for the last four years) about a Pre-Civil War time-travel young adult novel…Someday.


Okay…. personal time!!!! Oh yeah, I go there… Hahah…

 If you thought you were safe… Nah… Forgot it… Not a chance! We will start off slow and easy, I promise!


What is on your night stand/dresser?

Lamp, lava lamp (I’ve been told I should have been born a decade earlier than I was because I seem like such a hippie), a bottle of water, eye drops, pens, my Kindle, and a pair of steel shackles (I won in a contest)

What are you listening to you right now?

Shania Twain’s I’m Gonna Getcha Good!

What are you reading right now?

Julie Garwood’s Honor’s Splendor. I love reading through it every few years.

What is your favorite season? Holiday?

Season is Summer—I love the heat and sun (probably because I grew up with a quarter mile of open desert for my front yard).

Holiday is Halloween—love making and wearing the costumes.

And what has been your best b-day present ever?

So far it was this year, seeing my sister’s first book published. I’m very proud of her.


Hard and Quick Time! Don’t think… Just answer! Okay, before we go this route, I will get us a refill on our drinks… I will be right back…

 You know you do… Quickie time… Think fast….


Are you a quickie kind girl?


Dark or Milk Chocolate?


Whipped or Melted?


Straight up or with a twist – sex?


What’s ur fave drink – in a glass or on him?

Lagavulin, both in the glass or on him

Spank or Flogger?

Flogger…I like sting, not thud

Junk or Health Food?


Ties or Chains?


Leather or Lace?


Soft or Hard… Bed, where was your mind?


Control or Be Controlled?

Be controlled (that’s where the real power is)

Hot Wax or Whip Cream?

Hot Wax

Vampire or Werewolf?


Twitter and/or Facebook?


Pinterest or not?


Thank you Qwillia for stopping by today



Born in California but raised in Las Vegas, Nevada, Qwillia Rain embraces fully the independent spirit of the West she grew up in, even if she currently resides in North Carolina.

 Qwillia has worked at a diverse mix of jobs including casino change person, bill collector, book store MEDIA KIT AUTHOR PHOTOand video store clerk, and computer teacher to Kindergarten through 8th graders, but writing has always been part of her life.

 In 2007 her first book (recently revised and self-published) Santa’s Elf, was published, opening a whole new world where she can play with her characters and get paid for it.





Fan Page:

Twitter: @Qwillia




Qwillia will be awarding a grand prize of a messenger bag, pens, post-it notes, and a key-chain wallet (No geographical restrictions) as well as three Amazon gift cards: $20, $15 and $10 to randomly drawn commenters during the tour.

Click on the link below to enter

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good Luck!

I encourage you to follow the tour and comment; the more you comment, the better the chances of winning.

The tour dates can be found here:


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  1. Thank you for hosting.


  2. Qwillia

     /  November 4, 2013

    Thank you for letting me visit today! This is a great start to my week!


  3. The book sounds great! And thank you for the great giveaway!

    izzyabbysmom2006 AT yahoo DOT com


  4. Andra Lynn

     /  November 4, 2013

    Santa’s Elf has me getting all excited for Christmas…and it’s only November! Ah! 🙂

    andralynn7 AT gmail DOT com


    • Qwillia

       /  November 4, 2013

      It was a fun book. Good luck on the contest, Erin.


    • Qwillia

       /  November 4, 2013

      I’ve been told some people can’t hear the 12 Days of Christmas without blushing
      …Dayton has an inventive mind when it comes to presents for his Elf.


  5. What an awesome interview! I’ve enjoyed several of your books, Qwillia, and will put Santa’s Elf on my TBR list asap. (Don’t know how I could’ve missed it…)
    Also, I adore your PR photo – love the expression on your face… Totally reads “Yeah, so?” LOL


    • Qwillia

       /  November 5, 2013

      LOL, thank you Lynda,
      I think I was thinking of my sister when the photographer took the picture…much as I love her, little sisters can be a royal pain. Hope you enjoy Santa’s Elf when you read it.


      • Dane Waters

         /  November 5, 2013

        I knew that expression looked familiar. Amazing interview, sis. Ever since it’s release, whenever Christmas got close, my husband would start hinting for me to read Santa’s Elf. It usually took a few weeks to finish it…you know…with all the ‘little breaks’ we would take.


  6. Diana Merritt

     /  November 4, 2013

    Love your books! Rite of First Claim is my favorite so far.


    • Qwillia

       /  November 5, 2013

      Glad to hear it, Diana. I worked hard on Mike and Lyssa’s story and they really deserved a happily ever after.


  7. How have I not read this series yet??? Santa’s Elf sounds like a great early Christmas read!


    • Qwillia

       /  November 5, 2013

      There are a lot of series out there, Suzlyne, it’s impossible to find them all. Let me know what you think of Santa’s Elf when you read it. I always am interested in feedback.


  8. bn100

     /  November 4, 2013

    Nice interview

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com


  9. Natasha

     /  November 5, 2013

    Great interview!
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    Sounds like an amazing series!!
    natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com


    • Qwillia

       /  November 5, 2013

      Natasha, thank you for visiting. Good luck on the contest. It’s been a fun series to work with, that’s for sure.


  10. Chelsea B.

     /  November 5, 2013

    Loved this fun interview! 🙂



    • Qwillia

       /  November 5, 2013

      Thank you Chelsea B.,
      It was a fun interview. Cecile came up with some great questions.


  11. Good range of questions and answers. I particularly like the one about emotion and the way you answered it. So many overlook how wrung out some scenes can make the writer feel.


    • Qwillia

       /  November 5, 2013

      You are so right, Sharon. I think I slept for a month after I finished final edits on Mike and Lyssa’s story. And then when I revised Santa’s Elf before self-publishing it, I didn’t want to think about writing for a good month. But I’d rather be exhausted and wrung out than “meh, it’s okay”. Stories are about making people feel and that’s what I want them to do.


  12. Sorry I’m checking in so late. But better late than never, right? Enjoyed your interview.

    kareninnc at gmail dot com


    • Qwillia

       /  November 10, 2013

      Thanks for stopping in Karen, I’m glad you could visit and that you enjoyed the interview.



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