I now present……Some of My Birthday Party Pics!

October 29th – October 31st
New Orleans, LA

Cecile Smutty Hussy’s 35th Birthday!!!
My weekend started with a surprise from my hubs…
Quality time ~ Just him and me…
Then… Friday afternoon, me and my crew headed to the big town of
New Orleans for the weekend!

My friend Mindy got me a dozen of these beautiful roses to decorate our room with.
And my sister in law, Sharon, got me the cookie cake!
Just in case we wanted something to snack on!

The birthday girl with her flowers!!!!

The walk…
We walked the Quarters!!!
The street cars are awesome!

The birthday girl at lunch!!
We even found a bead (no I did not show anything) that had cake with Happy Birthday on it!

Please to present…
The Birthday Girl as….
Show Girl Hussy!

And now with the mask….
Which did not make it the whole night…
hee hee!!

Birthday Girl getting her drink on!!!
((Notice where the mask is, lmbo))

****My Girls****
Sharon, Me, Mindy

And of course, I cannot NOT show you our…
More crazier pictures!!!!!
Yeah, there are more… I just can’t show them!!!!

And this is Smutty Hussy’s Hubs…
He loves to be scary….
My protector, heehee!!

Thanks for coming over and having fun with me!!!!

And remember… Keep it Dirty, Smutty & Hussy!
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  1. Love the second to last pic!! Well I love them all but that one is my favorite. And that last pic scared me, I scrolled down to quick and BAM! Nearly choked on my hotdog.Happy Late Birthday Sweetie!


  2. Hmmm…Chocking on a hotdog. Is that what you call it these days??LOL.I have to agree with jessica that pictue is pretty awesome. I want my birthday parties to be that fun.Happy birthday to you!


  3. Looks like you all had a great time!!! Happy Birthday you Smutty Hussy!!!(Are you coming in for Karen Marie Moning in January?)


  4. What wonderful pictures! You look like you had an awesome time! And the one fun picture you showed… well that looks fuN!LOL


  5. It looks like it was a blast!! If you'd been with us in San Francisco, well, we probably all would've been arrested. :DAnd I totally have birthday card fail. 😦


  6. Lol, omg Cecile, coolest dress ever. You look so awesome, I totally want that one 😀


  7. Thanks for sharing and I'm glad you had a fabulous birthday.


  8. What great pictures! Happy Belated Birthday1


  9. Now that was a good time had by all, especially the pictures your husband took that you cannot show us! Those are the ones that tell the true story!Beautiful flowers and love Birthday Cookie too!jackie >_<


  10. What a great time! Hubby is good sport for wearing that hideous mask! And you're so cute! You precious smutty hussy you!


  11. Thanks for the wishes everyone!!!Hugs to you all!! I hope you all have a great weekend~*Jessica Rabbit*~ Hey honey!!! OH you should see the others that went with that… OH MY!!!Yeah… Hubs loves being the scary person! ALWAYS! Full prosthetic glue on face… and he paints it and all! He Loves It!**ROLFMAO… Choked on your hotdog and what Brandi had to say, lmbo!!**Brandi~ Hey there again! Welcome. I am glad you enjoy my place that much to come back, lmbo!Then let's work on making your bday that fun!!Patti (Book Addict)~Hey honey! OH we had a blast! Even the pics I don't post tell a story, lmbo!I am going to look at my calendar. I don't think it will be in it for me to go on the Monday.. unless we are off of work. Then I can go. Not sure I will be sleeping up there for this one.. You going??Sweet Vernal Zephyr~ Hey my sweetness! Heheheheeh you should see the other ones, lmbo! It was all fun… by all!Chris~ Hey honey. Aww honey, no fail. OHMYGOSH, I would love to have be in SF with you guys!Blodeuedd~ Hey there honey!!! Oh thank you honey. I loved my outfit this year. I am even going to wear the out… just cuz I can!! Heheh!Thanks for peeking on over.Dru~ OH honey, thanks for coming over to my place! It is always good to see you here!! Hugs!carolsnotebook~ Hey honey! Thank you!jackie b central texas~ Hey honey! Oh it was awesome!Harris Channing~ Hey honey!! Big hugs to you!! Oh hubs love that part of my bday most of all, dressing up scary! You are to kind my friend!!! LMBO! "precious smutty hussy" lmbo! Have a great weekend!


  12. I know you had a fantastic time for your birthday. That pic of you in the hallway,on the cart, always makes me laugh.You bad girl.lol.Always the troublemaker 😉


  13. Fabulous pictures!


  14. Glad you had a wonderful day Cecile. And the way you're holding that bottle in picture 4… whoa!


  15. Elaing8~ Hey honey! I knew you would like it! I almost put the other one of me on the cart… but thought better of it! LMBO! I did have a wonderful time for my bday! It was awesome!"You bad girl.lol.Always the troublemaker ;)"What did you expect!?!?! Let the hussy come out and play!!!!Eyre~ Hey honey! Thanks for peeking in! Hugs and congrats to you honey!! I am still so proud of you that you passed your test!!!Mr V~ Pic 4… My water bottle… Or my cup further down, lmbo!! Thanks for coming over!! Hugs Cowboy!


  16. Mar-ver-luscious, Cecile. Cut me a slice of that yummy birthday cake, whilst I sing yer a wee little tune.'Appy birfday to you'Appy birfday to you'Appy bir-f-day dear, Smutty-hussy, Cee-cile'Aaaaapeeeee, birfday to you. x


  17. Belated happy birthday Cecile!! Wow! Awesome birthday!!! 😀


  18. Wow looks like you all had quite the party there! A very Happy Birthday to you again hon! And hope you have a great rest of the week! BIG HUGS


  19. You are crazy Cecile!! I am glad that you had a great birthday. :)Also, thank you so much for remembering mine – got your card yesterday….you are a wonderful friend! Love you XOXO


  20. You looked gorgeous! Stunning birthday pix. TFS


  21. Wow, looks like you had a great time, hon! Wonderful pictures, you look stunning! :DBirthday huggles to you honey! xoxo


  22. JJ Cocker~ Hey honey! Thank you for the wishes! I love that accent of yours! I saved a piece of cake for you my love!!Cherry~ Hey honey! Thanks for peeking in!!JennJ~ Hey honey!!! Hugs to you my dear friend!!!!!!! Thanks for coming over! Oh we had a blast! Hubs was excited to dress up and scare a few people! He always manages that!Missy B.~ Hey honey! Well, I am glad that you received your card!! I am hoping that you had a great Birthday!!! Hugs honey!!!Hehehe.. me crazy, lmbo!!!!Thank you for coming over! It warms my heart!A Daft Scots Lass~ Aw honey, thank you very much! Thanks for coming over!Janna~ Hey honey!!! You are too sweet! Thanks for coming over and I hope all is well honey!


  23. Great pictures, Cecile! Looks like you had a great time 😉


  24. That looked like one great birthday!! And you look like you had loads of fun. So glad for you. 🙂 Happy Birthday. :)Hope you are doing wonderfully. It seems to be a great week and with Thanksgiving with us this week, a short week. :)Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your friends and family. 🙂 *hugs* to you.


  25. host~ Hey honey!!! Hugs to you!!! Miss you and hope all is going well! You should be getting a break from school, right?? Thanks for coming over honey! I did have a great time!Melissa (My World…in words and pages)~ Hey honey! I am coming to peek over to your place in a minute! I hope all is well! Thank you for coming over to mine! I did have a blast! I love my birthdays! They keep getting better and better!!! HEhehehe… Maybe because I finally learned to just say what I want!Everything is going good. Spending quality time with family for Thanksgiving ~ who can ask for more!!! I hope you have an awesome Thanksgiving with the family!!!! How is the new house going?? Hugs my friend!


  26. AWWWWW!!! I missed your birthday. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!! *smoosh hugs*Kewl pics of the birthday girl!! lol! I'm glad you had fun!!And yeah that pic of your hubby is scary, would definitely have me screaming in fright! XD



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